The Maldives is my biggest dream come true. Everywhere, when you see “pictures of this paradise,” all you can let out is an oooh, and in your mind, you think: Yeah, maybe someday…? Now is the time to change that and make your dream come true.
The years went by, and I didn’t want to dream anymore. I’m 34, with a husband and two kids, and I have been on maternity leave for the last six months. I’m taking this as a great chance to look somewhere and take a break from my daily worries before I start the ‘full-time job’ station.
I couldn’t get my husband to vacation; it would be snowing in the Sahara sooner than my husband would decide to go on holiday. So, I set out to experience it independently, and it was the best decision I could have made. I must confess that I’ve never been abroad or flown on a plane. The fears – the scarecrows I’m about to discuss – are in place, but if you overcome them, you’ll have a great vacation. Speaking for myself, I can tell you from the moment I found Mrs Ladka Bartos on Facebook advertising accommodation at Amazing View guesthouse on the local island of Thoddoo; the script started to be written for me, like a happy movie.



Scarecrow No.1 – AIRLINE TICKETS

I dealt with airline tickets about eight months in advance. In order not to worry about being alone in the hotel, Ladka and I chose the date when a family of Czechs would be staying there, and she recommended I contact Mrs Lenka from travel agency Grand Travel, who coincidentally was also flying to the Maldives on the same date, just to a different place. She bought me a ticket, arranged insurance, and even helped me complete the  Imuga (Traveller Declaration, necessary confirmation for getting a tourist  Maldivian visa). Thanks to this, preparing for the holiday was not so stressful for me, and I could easily spend six months shopping for everything that could be useful. So don’t be afraid to ask for help. 😊



I wasn’t worried about the language barrier at all. I’m not a language pro, so I always prefer a mobile phone with a translator (Deepl is an excellent app for me), but I realised it would be good to know at least the basics of English.

It was a pleasant surprise for me that there were about 15 Czechs at the hotel, so I felt at home. I felt like I was on vacation with long-time friends. After all, many Czechs or Slovaks are staying all over the island, and you can certainly meet them on the beach and get to know them.



Take headache medication on the plane”. I was most worried about equalising the pressure in my ears during takeoff and landing. Ultimately, the advice to yawn properly was enough, and it worked. My ears felt more comfortable during the flight than walking through the mountains’ woods. Of course, if you need some meds, pack the essentials in your carry-on with you.

Take Kinedryl on the boat; you’re in danger of getting seasick.” I thoroughly enjoyed the speedboat ride. The captain rode as a professional and handled the waves with aplomb, so I didn’t feed the fish in the ocean by my lunch; I just enjoyed the salty air, the wind in my hair  (less in my eyes), I thoroughly enjoyed the endless Indian Ocean all around me. Anyway, just in case, a kinedryl would be helpful in your bag.

What do you want to do on the island if there are no sights? You’ll be bored; take at least four books“. If I followed that advice, I’d carry extra pounds useless. Thoddoo had prepared so many opportunities to see the island’s beauties that I didn’t even have time to look at the photos on my phone in the evening. If you’re an avid reader, definitely pick up a book. Reading on the beach under the palm trees will certainly have its charms.



I wasn’t worried about the plane crashing or getting seasick on the boat. Ironically, my biggest fear was airport security for the electronics I was carrying. It was like a competition: “Do you wanna be a millionaire? – the million-dollar question. I used all the clues and hints but didn’t know where to put them. My friends were getting very nervous about me.

Ultimately, the check went smoothly, although I was so worried about it. I advise you to take only what you need. I left the selfie stick, camera remote control, and power bank. All electronics (mobile phone, camera) and everything containing a lithium battery are included in carry-on luggage.

Photo: Misha
Photo: Ladka


Prepare to be immediately whipped by the humid heat as soon as you land. I am a pollen allergy sufferer, so I started to breathe wonderfully; the salty ocean air was a boon. It’s definitely a good idea to change into your summer clothes at the airport. You’d suffer needlessly in leggings and full boots. You’ll acclimatise to the heat on your first day on the island, and then you’ll be better off.

There will be representatives of the islands and resorts at the airport with signs. If you don’t find a representative from Amazing View Thoddoo, don’t panic and wait at the airport counter C8 or information booth. The representatives make several rounds of the waiting area, and all you have to do is ask one of them. They’ll pass the information on to themselves and tell you where to wait and when the speedboat departs. Don’t be alarmed by any change of speedboat mooring either; sometimes more passengers need to be transported in the same direction, but the guys have gotten it down well.

Photo: Libor Leznar
Photo: Ladka


When we approached it, I could feel it slowly pulling me towards it —my future home for the next seven nights.

And what’s so magical about Thoddoo Island? I could tell you about the stunning warm turquoise water where you drown all your pains and sorrows. The fine white sand is completely different in texture from what you’re used to here. Of the sun that rises and sets with such a variety of colours that, at that moment, nothing else in the world exists here and now. About the breathtaking palm trees, fruit plantations with the juiciest melons, papaya, mango, mini bananas, coconuts and my favourite maracuja that blew my taste buds to high heaven.

Along with the other greenery and flowers around the hotels, Thoddoo is still a lush island, even though it’s hot and not raining. It is primarily due to the reservoir of fresh water beneath the surface, which is abundant and available to all. You’ll also see animals on the island. The sound of cuckoos will accompany you throughout the day, but it is most beautiful at dawn when all is quiet. You can look forward to seeing fruit bats, small lizards and geckos, crabs of different sizes, hermit crabs on the beaches, colourful fish around the coral, turtles, and stingrays. On off-island trips, the main attractions are snorkelling with manta rays and sharks and visiting astonishing coral gardens. There are also dolphins to see at sunset.

Photo: Farooq

Don’t look for dangerous animals on the island; they’re just not here. There are intrusive mosquitoes at most, but I met them only once while walking through the vegetation between local farmers’ fields, far from the bikini beaches.

Photo: Ladka
Photo: Ladka
Photo: Farooq

The locals are amiable, smiling, helpful, and happy to speak with you. They appreciate the guests here and have often offered me fruit or vegetables when I’ve met them. You are not a “walking wallet” for them, though. They don’t expect anything in return and won’t bother you. There is no need to wave to everyone you meet; someone doesn´t notice you. You’ll soon know where to say hello and where it’s inappropriate. The locals mostly use motorbikes and mopeds for daily transport; you’ll meet them everywhere, and it’s a good idea to give them way when they pass by.
You’re on a local island, so don’t confuse it with a resort. Accept that many new guest accommodations are being built everywhere, and the construction mess is not dealt with much. I can reassure you that you won’t be wading through garbage on your way to the beach or other roads on the island. The beaches, including the ocean, are clean with no litter and there is plenty of space in the shade under the palm trees despite the onslaught of tourists. The perfect greenery of the island overcomes these ‘imperfections’, and I believe you will stop noticing it after a while.

Photo: Misha
Photo: Misha


What makes the island perfect for me is the Amazing View guesthouse. I haven’t met such helpful, dedicated, and smiling people like the owner, Farooq and his staff, Malik and Badar, in a long time in the Czech Republic. They charged me with their positive energy, and I was amazed at their ease. The daily feeling of being welcomed made me feel at home.Next to the owner, Farooq, is Malik, a real gem of the guesthouse staff. The rooms are beautifully clean and tidy every day. My husband thought maybe I would be staying in a shack somewhere, then what a surprise when he saw the luxurious photos of the whole complex. He, too, was impressed.

Photo: Misha
Photo: Misha


The food in Amazing View guesthouse is fantastic, full of different spicy flavours and curry aromas. During my stay, I had paid for half board (HB) – breakfast + dinner.

Farooq’s wife cooked, and I must say that everything was perfect. I was most impressed with the traditional Maldivian breakfast Mashuni (a mixture of tuna, coconut, chilli, red onion, and lime) and their  Roshi pancakes made from water and flour. Other breakfast meals include eggs, chicken sausages, white beans in tomato gravy or toasted bread with butter and jam. We indulged in fresh fish dishes; sometimes dinner was vegetarian, sometimes grilled wahoo fish or even chicken, always with a rich side dish of rice, potatoes, coleslaw, zucchini and other vegetables. Every day, everything was accompanied by a sweet spot of fresh watermelon and fruit juices. I certainly did not suffer from hunger. It was a great light diet that gave me a break from fatty meals such as salami or pork belly in the Czech Republic. So expect traditional Maldivian cuisine and a light diet. If you fancy European cuisine, the island is full of restaurants with plenty of food.  I don’t have any recommendations as I settled for eating in Amazing View or buying snacks at the shop. On my way to Sunset Bikini Beach, I visited the Green Berry milk and fruit bar, which makes excellent fresh fruit smoothies and ice cream. During the day, I ate fresh fruit at a stand on the beach.

Photo: Farooq
Photo: Farooq


There are several shops on the island where you can get almost everything. The only thing you have to be careful of is that the shops are closed during prayers (5 times a day) and you can’t pay with a credit card in most of them (I think this option is only available in Bright Store and Moo Ces Mart, but I haven’t tried it myself), so I recommend carrying cash.

I haven’t noticed if the goods are cheaper in one store than in another, the assortment is similar.

The closest to Amazing View Guesthouse is a modern shop approximately opposite the mosque. A little further on, on the corner towards the harbour, is the much sought-after shop Honey Mart. There are also several shops on the island with beautiful souvenirs. If you need medical attention, don’t worry; the Thoddoo Health Center has been operating on the island for twenty years. It is located directly opposite the mosque, with a pharmacy next door. If you have any problems, tell Farooq, and he will help you arrange everything. My friend needed antibiotics urgently for a urinary tract.

Photo: Farooq
Photo: Ladka
Photo: Facebook


  • If you’re still hesitating, don’t hesitate – sometimes it’s best to jump – and let your wings

grow in the air.

  • If you’re worried that it won’t last without you at home, don’t worry, it will. Try to think

about yourself at least once.

  • Turn off your phone and enjoy the island’s beauty here and now.
  • Don’t be afraid to ask for help; there are still people like Laďka who are here for you; they

are willing to help you with anything, give advice and guide you in the right direction. She

did everything for me in her spare time; it’s not her job. I went to Thoddoo feeling like I

knew the place well.

  • Enjoy island moments and trips to see stingrays, sharks, dolphins and abundant life on coral




Photo: Misha

Goodbye, and feel free to write to me about how satisfied you were at or Instagram @miskawindiska

See you in Thoddo



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