Although the island is small, players of the World's popular Pokémon GO game will find a genuinely bountiful harvest here. Over several years, 12 PokéStops and 5 Pokémon Gyms have been set up in less than 1 km2. These cover almost all places of historical and cultural interest.

In 2024, three routes were built on the Thoddoo island “. Their central point is the hotel “Amazing View” and the PokéStop “Thoddoo wooden door”. One route leads directly to the harbour, and two others to the two tourist beaches. There are undoubtedly plenty of other places to build new routes on the island. All of them are easy, as the island is flat, and the highest point is about 2m above the sea.

Although the island is small, players of the World’s popular Pokémon GO game will find a
genuinely bountiful harvest here. Over several years, 12 PokéStops and 5 Pokémon Gyms have
been set up in less than 1 km2. These cover almost all places of historical and cultural interest.
The oldest Gym is located at the ancient mosque “Masjidul Abdulla”, with a small minaret
that catches the visitor’s eye right at the dock upon arrival on the island.

The largest and most beautiful mosque is covered by the Gym “New Mosque”. A Gym
called the “Maldivica Divers Center” is in the centre’s building to rent diving services, but
nowadays it is in another place. Nearby is “The Mint Garden Restaurant”, the restaurant and
coffee shop for breakfast, lunch and dinner. The newest Gym, “Turtles Rules”, is an
informational sign that informs tourists on how to behave when snorkelling with protected
turtles (most commonly the hawksbill sea turtle, Eretmochelys imbricata). This Gym is located
near the PokéStop at the entrance to the main beach, “North West Beach,” which is a beach
with fascinating sunsets.

The oldest PokéStop is the “Sosun Club Office” in the middle of the island, which was initially the first place to have internet access on the island. The remnants of the satellite receiver can still be seen here. Other PokéStops cover almost the entire tourist area of the island. The only PokéStop in developing indigenous houses is the “Black Anchor” PokéStop, a distinctive restaurant serving European food and accommodation. Another PokéStop is located at the old mosque, which is more like a prayer house, situated by the local cemetery; opposite this mosque grows the biggest tree on the island, the massive Bengal Sycamore (Ficus benghalensis).

Other PokéStops feature football stadiums, a training ground with sports equipment, paintings of wings on the walls, and a second beach, “North East Beach”. There are other exciting places that players could nominate for PokéStops. An underrated site, for example, is the ruins of an old Buddhist temple, but this is in the middle of a rainforest and the path to it, though short, is difficult to navigate. Currently, it is not a good meeting place.

In 2024, three routes were built on the Thoddoo island. Their central point is the hotel “Amazing view” and the PokéStop “Thoddoo wooden door”. One route leads directly to the harbour, and two others to the two tourist beaches. There are undoubtedly plenty of other places to build new routes on the island. All of them are easy, as the island is flat, and the highest point is about 2m above the sea.
Reported by Milan Veliky, 9424 1808 6270

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